
The Launch Party with You Must Create

The Launch Party with You Must Create

Thanks to everyone who made it to the superb books launch party, hosted superbly by long term friends, You Must Create (YMC) - Great venue, turnout and thanks for all...

The Launch Party with You Must Create

Thanks to everyone who made it to the superb books launch party, hosted superbly by long term friends, You Must Create (YMC) - Great venue, turnout and thanks for all...

Party Artwork Blow ups!

Party Artwork Blow ups!

Thanks go out to all at Oner Signs, Cardiff for the excellent work they have completed in blowing up some images from the book (including this cover shot) into Banner...

Party Artwork Blow ups!

Thanks go out to all at Oner Signs, Cardiff for the excellent work they have completed in blowing up some images from the book (including this cover shot) into Banner...

Da-Nah - The Cover is Finished

Da-Nah - The Cover is Finished

After nearly a year of hard work, (fun, indulgent and interesting), but still hard, we are nearly at the exciting stage of first book sample pick up! This Friday, I will...

Da-Nah - The Cover is Finished

After nearly a year of hard work, (fun, indulgent and interesting), but still hard, we are nearly at the exciting stage of first book sample pick up! This Friday, I will...